Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I wasn’t intentionally doing a word ladder, but if anyone wants to write the next post titled “Free” or “Bred,“ go right ahead.

For some reason Bree is capturing my imagination right now. What was a city like that housed both men and hobbits? Depending on who you were, you rode a horse or a pony, and the inn had rooms specially intended for hobbits, who were generally between two and four feet tall. But The Fellowship of the Ring says nothing about theater seating, or about doorknob height.

What would such an interracial city be like today? We have our short and tall drinking fountains next to each other, so we know a little bit about this. What about public transportation? Would we have different-sized seats on the trolley? How would we position them to make everyone happy? What about the checkout counters at grocery stores? How high would the pictures in lobbies be hung? What other small but important community decisions would have to be made?

1 comment:

Scharnhorst said...

I suppose you might want some multilingual signs. Although everyone in Middle Earth seems to speak the Common Tongue, it might be a savvy business move to have signs in both native languages.

Kind of like in Tucson. Spanish speakers can probably figure out how to give their money to just about any business, but a Spanish sign tells them they are welcome.