Thursday, June 08, 2006

Your opinion please

I'd kind of like to move the blog to a new hosting site, Wordpress, and I would have done it already, but the problem is that all the old posts in the archives would then be marked with my name. I think all new posts would be able to have the name of the person who posted them. You would all have to sign up with a new username and password at Wordpress. Does any of that annoy you?

I think Wordpress is a better system. You can have extra pages (for example, I would put my list of 100 books on a separate page and link to them rather than us all having to scroll down for years every time we consult that post, which I'm sure is frequently). I think Wordpress is more attractive and more versatile than Blogger. And Blogger seems to be going down for maintenance a lot lately.

Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Scharnhorst said...

If you think Wordpress is a better system, go for it. It's your show. I'm sure we'll all adjust.

Good luck!