Sunday, February 15, 2004

Come on in!

Welcome to the blog! There's nothing like reading the other blogs out there to make you feel like you're just like everyone else - self-obsessed and greedy for attention. Flying over the suburbs or shopping at Target gives me the same feeling of sameness and lack of contribution to the world. Everyone thinks that buying some rug that 200,000 other people have is an expression of themselves.

This blog is an escape from that. Here you will find gathered not rugs, not suburban homes, but the thriving thoughts of some very interesting and articulate people. No blog can escape navelgazing at times, but the diversity of our places of origin and the fertility of our imaginings will help us get out of our own heads and swirl in the intoxicating happiness that other people's unexpected words can provide.

So, from this nice warm blog in the suburbs of, take a deep draught of intellectual companionship, and be propelled to the stars! What vision! What a lofty future awaits us!

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